25 May 2020: added Field Day Wire Length Table
Added a table of wire lengths for some common antennas to the Field Day page. →Read more
Practical Ham Radio Antennas
Added a table of wire lengths for some common antennas to the Field Day page. →Read more
Added double loops and bisquare to the Loop Antenna Designs and Field Day Antenna Selection page, and the Johnson Matchbox to the Feeding the Antenna section. →Read more
Along with the Field Day Antenna Selection Guide, there are new articles on multiband dipoles, wire yagis, wire quads, and wideband fan dipoles. And watch for more Field Day related articles to come soon! →Read more
9 January 2022 – expanded articles on NVIS and Alternatives to Knots →Read more
You’ll find them under “Feeding”. →Read more
Updates on 28 December 2020: Additions to “Alternatives to Knots”. Added descriptions of 3 different tuners under “Feeding”. Added a Site Map to the main menu, for those who want to explore the site by looking through a complete list of pages, rather than wandering through the links. →Read more
27 October 2021: added Feedline Data Tables for both coax and parallel-conductor line. Updated Backpack Antennas page with more information on feedlines and link to table. →Read more
Added a theory and construction articles for ground plane antennas. You can find them under Theory and Designs for vertical antennas. →Read more
I have added an index page for Radio Direction-Finding (RDF), which links to antenna designs, techniques, and other projects. As always, there are lots more articles to write, but now I have a place to put them. →Read more