11 December 2024: new article on Doublet antennas.
11 December 2024: added new article on simple doublet antennas →Read more
Practical Ham Radio Antennas
11 December 2024: added new article on simple doublet antennas →Read more
Finally got my computer issues resolved, and getting material posted. More articles in the works… 5 new pages: unconventional link dipole for 20/30/40m Beginner’s guide to antenna tuners Field Antenna support photos Loop antenna photos Bipod antenna support 2 new videos: vertically polarized delta loop 3 simple wire portable wire antennas →Read more
29 November 2023 Added RF exposure evaluation page and worksheet. All US amateurs are now required to perform this evaluation of their station under the new rules. Added a page for the Ten-Tec AC5 balanced QRP antenna tuner. In addition, I have been adding more internal and external links to my pages. This will continue […] →Read more
5 May 2023 – added Link Dipole article and more alternatives to knots. →Read more
26 March 2023: added a new Beginners’ Corner, along with a Beginners’ Guide to NVIS. This is intended to help for those who aren’t yet ready for some of the more technical articles. I’ll be adding to it over time. →Read more
9 February 2023: A few updates to Field Day Antennas, including a new Beginner’s Guide to Field Day. →Read more
8 February 2023: I updated the page on throwing buckets with two new photos of smaller “buckets”, and a suggested rope to use. →Read more
30 January 2023. I added some tables of expected vertical radiation angles to the NVIS page, as well as a plot of the relative signal strength pattern of a dipole overlaid on a map. →Read more
Now that we are recovering from an episode of “Real Life”, I’ve updated the main NVIS article with a discussion on effective ionosphere height, and the impact on vertical angle vs. distance. This supports some other work that is ongoing… →Read more
Added 4 videos to my “videos” page, and to the “dipole designs” index page. These videos show my typical methods of setting up portable dipoles. →Read more