Radio Direction-Finding Antennas and Projects
This page collects various theory and projects related to Radio Direction-Finding, both antennas and other equipment.
- Directional Antennas for RDF discusses different types of antenna systems and what factors are most important when using them for direction-finding.
- A 2-element quad for 2m is my most common antenna for mobile transmitter hunts, and is simple to build.
- A 3-element 2m yagi with a wood boom is my wife’s favorite for ARDF.
- Tape measure yagis are commonly used for ARDF, where the elements can flex, then snap back into shape.
- Arrays of yagis (or other beams) can give a sharper bearing than a single antenna.
- Loop antennas are commonly used for RDF on HF.
- A Bunny Hunting Primer is an introduction to transmitter hunting.
- Body Shielding is a simple method of RDF, using just a hand-held radio. (with video)
- Longer quad beams extends the common 2-element designs.
- The Long Baseline Interferometer is a method of taking very accurate bearings with two simple antennas.
- Harmonic Sniffing permits more accurate bearings with short antennas when the signal is strong.
- 80m ARDF Receiver discussion, circuits, and links.
Radio Direction-Finding Videos
Talk on Transmitter Hunting to the Portland Amateur Radio Club meeting 9 August 2021