Site Map
last updated 25 March 2025.
I added this page because I realized that it is difficult to find all the articles on this site, especially for those who just like to browse.
This should list – and link to – every page I’ve published on They are in a reasonable organization, but because pages can be linked to from several locations, some pages may show up in unexpected places.
I am also limiting the list to those pages that I have actually published. If I include everything I plan to write in the future, it will be several times as long.
About This Site
About Units and Accuracy
Choosing An Antenna
International considerations
How to Read Antenna Articles
about antenna names
Change Log
Site Map (this page!)
Antenna Philosophy
Beginner's Corner
but it doesn't look like the book
Antenna Theory
beginners' guide to impedance
complex numbers
beginners' guide to SWR
analysis of current distribution on wire
the importance - or Not - of Antenna Resonance
Loop Antenna Theory
full wave loops
large loops
Antenna Designs
dipole antennas
the half wave dipole
half wave dipole length
dipole length tables
limited space / coil loaded dipoles
multiband dipoles
portable dipole kit
backpack dipole kit
simple doublet antenna
link dipole
unconventional link dipole for 20/30/40m
dual-band dipole elements
wideband 80m dipole
original "fan dipole"
loop antennas
loop antenna photos
full wave loops (dimensions)
large loop designs
feeding large loops
double loops
bi-square antenna
Bow-Tie Horizontal Loop
80m horizontal loop for Field Day
portable 200 ohm loop
wire quad antennas
5-element 20m portable delta loop beam
simple 2m 2-element quad
long / random / end-fed wires
vertical antennas
understanding the quarter wave ground plane antenna
understanding the 5/8 wave antenna
simple VHF ground plane
parasitic antennas
wire yagi antennas
Antennas for different applications
portable antennas
general notes on portable antennas
field antenna support photos
antennas for backpacking
feed line losses vs. height, performance
antennas for Field Day
Field Day antenna selection guide
Field Day Wire Length Table
Field Day Checklist
A Beginner's Guide to Field Day
Tips for portable antennas
Antennas for QRP operation
Antennas for Emergency Communication
NVIS antennas
the AS-2259 Antenna
Does lowering an NVIS antenna improve performance?
end-fed wires for NVIS
Beginner's Guide to NVIS
Antenna Construction
measuring wire
simple construction of wire antennas
construction of wire loop antennas
Masts and Antenna Supports
sectional masts
Using trees as antenna supports
About ropes
Useful knots
alternatives to knots
Mast Hardware and Accessories
Winding Rope and Wire so they don’t tangle
putting up a sectional mast
How to use a throwing bucket
bipod support for end of antenna
standard US material sizes
SAE Screw Sizes
US wood sizes
Antenna Measurements
tuning an antenna with an antenna analyzer
measuring your feedline
measuring velocity factor
measuring characteristic impedance
measuring feedline loss
factors affecting feedline loss
RF Exposure evaluation
Antenna Modeling
Feeding the Antenna
adventures with small feedlines
feedline data tables
beginners' guide to antenna tuners
how to adjust a manual antenna tuner
Antenna tuner efficiency and ratings
band-switched tuner
Unique Wire Tuner
“Ultimate Transmatch”
MFJ-949 antenna tuner
MFJ-969 antenna tuner
Ten-Tec 227 antenna tuner
A home-made T-network antenna tuner
Johnson Matchbox
Ten-Tec AC5 balanced antenna tuner
Resources and Links
Units Conversions
Fractional Inches
AWG wire gauge table
BWG / SWG wire gauge table
Twine sizes
Radio Direction-Finding Antennas and Projects
lath yagi
body shielding video
Privacy Policy